How much do you know about crypto mining malware?

Crypto mining malware big data technology business finance conceptual

You’ve probably heard about malware designed to steal peoples’ crypto coins and other digital assets, but what about crypto mining malware? This type of virus is used in crypto malware attacks that steal someone’s CPU power – not their money or data. The hackers then use this power to mine cryptocurrency. Learn how crypto mining malware works and how to protect yourself from crypto malware attacks in this post.

Social benefits of NFTs for NGOs beyond art and gaming


Anyone who’s tried to fundraise for a cause knows how difficult it can be. Tried and true models like direct mail and organizational credibility are not working anymore. As younger generations like millennials and Gen Z enter the donor demographic, NGOs need to realize the social benefits of NFTs. Crypto and blockchain is not just about kids gaming and trading on the internet. New technologies can truly change the world by solving previously unsolved problems. Here’s what you need to know…

Intro to the metaverse (Part 6 of 7): Morality in the metaverse

Morality in the metaverse digital city electronic pattern buildings 1

How should we think about crime and punishment in virtual worlds? In the latest Decentral blog, we examine morality in the metaverse as part of our ongoing metaverse series. Some kind of ethical framework has to be determined for the metaverse to be successful.

Should you store NFTs in a hardware wallet?

Store NFTs in a hardware wallet purple blue mesh waves blockchain tokenization uncensored crypto docuseries decentral publishing

Wondering if you can store NFTs in a hardware wallet? You can! Learning how to transfer your NFTs to a cold wallet is a great step to protect your NFT investments from getting stolen or hacked. Using a hardware wallet with your NFTs requires a third-party platform like MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet. Check out how the process works in this quick guide!

Narratives driving crypto (Part 7 of 7): play-to-earn

play-to-earn blockchain crypto defi nft metaverse stage with neon light abstract futuristic background ultraviolet

The narratives driving crypto shape how people choose to participate and invest in the ecosystem. In this blog series, we’ve gone through five of the major stories being told in the crypto world and how to make plays capitalizing on them. This last part in the series reveals how play-to-earn is a major story in the crypto world as well as the gaming world. Its impact will not go unnoticed in multiple industries!

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

satoshi is a woman

Ever since Bitcoin came on the scene, people have been speculating about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. To this day, no one really knows who he/she/they could have been. Was it a person? An organization? It’s hard to tell. But there are bread crumbs. Here are all the reasons pointing to the possibility that Nakamoto was a woman.

Are stablecoins symbolic of progress?

hand reaching up to digitally create a node pattern for stablecoins regulation

The idea that recreating the mechanisms of central banking on a blockchain and calling them low-risk stablecoins is hilarious. What are some of the reasons people argue in favor of stablecoins and are those arguments valid? Or, on the other hand, are stablecoins drawing regulation and creating barriers to progress? Here’s what you need to know about the future of stablecoins.

How to explain crypto (Part 7 of 7)

How to explain crypto bitcoin blockchain crypto currency digital encryption digital money exchange technology network connections

Crypto can be a complex subject! To make things easier, check out this guide on how to explain crypto spending to your parents – or anyone who doesn’t understand it. We’ll cover why anyone would choose to spend digital assets, where it can be spent, what you can get with it, and the different ways people spend crypto.

Narratives driving crypto (Part 6 of 7): DeFi

narratives driving crypto defi decentralized finance cryptocurrency blockchain technology retro blue and purple graphic decentral publishing

In this blog series about the narratives driving crypto, we’re diving into how stories that are told and believed change people’s behavior and shape the future. As more people buy into a narrative and put time, resources, and support toward the story they believe, that story is brought into reality. Here’s how the narrative of DeFi is playing out in the cryptosphere.

Narratives driving crypto (Part 5 of 7): memecoins

Narratives driving crypto Dogecoin doge cryptocurrency 1

The narratives driving crypto are some of the most important things to understand, but they can be some of the most difficult to understand as well. Because most of us are focused on facts, charts, stats, and analysis, it’s easy to forget the stories that influence people to invest or not. When it comes to memecoins, there’s more than one story. Here are the narratives you need to know when it comes to investing in memecoins.