Cryptocurrency profile: Ether

ether coin purple and blue decentral publishing

If you’re new to the crypto world, you will be forgiven for referring to Ether as “Ethereum.” But what exactly is the difference between the two? In this post, we’ll explore what exactly Ether is, what it’s used for, how it’s created, and what its future looks like now that Ethereum is transitioning away from a proof-of-work system.

Politicians who embrace crypto

politicians who embrace crypto header

Are there actually politicians who embrace crypto? Many people in the crypto community have little love for politics and dealing with the government. But an unavoidable truth is that there are regulatory negotiations to be made

3 countries that embrace crypto

countries that embrace crypto

There are still countless debates about how cryptocurrencies will be regulated, but some countries already embraced crypto years ago. Here’s an overview of the top countries turning to crypto and why.