In this podcast episode, we share:

  • An exciting upcoming joint venture at Sangha Systems’ new Bitcoin mining facility that’s going to allow them to execute their bold vision.
  • How the company got started and how they’ve been growing extremely fast.
  • Other forward-thinking projects on the company’s property that could reshape society in greener and more sustainable ways.
  • Some of the concepts that will be fleshed out in their White Paper.
  • The politics surrounding Bitcoin and how it has the potential to synthesize the best of both capitalism and socialism.
  • All of the new miners they’ve recently received and how more keep coming in.
  • Why more people should give entrepreneurship a try.
  • Some advice from Spencer for would-be entrepreneurs who are currently feeling lost.

Memorable Quote:

  • “We for sure spotted a diamond in the rough. We had to work through a lot of rough to build up our business, but our hand just keeps getting stronger.”

Links Mentioned:

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To stay up-to-date on everything you need to know in the world of crypto and the blockchain, go to DecentralPublishing.com. For exclusive footage from the groundbreaking crypto docuseries that Michael is producing, go to UncensoredCrypto.com.