You’re new to the cryptocurrency markets and are interested in making a profit. You’ve heard about people making money through crypto trading, but you find yourself more drawn to the idea of mining Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

It used to be easier to mine crypto, and many early miners used just a personal computer to mine Bitcoin. Now, there’s much more capital and electricity required. Here are some basic crypto mining tips to help you get started.

#1 Learn it all

person-looking-at-books-on-a-library-wallFirst and foremost, you’ll want to do a whole lot of research. This isn’t just about finding the right mining software but also managing expectations. This is where personal goal setting comes into play.

What coin do you plan on mining, and why? Does it fit with your short-term or long-term mining plan? How much time and money can you afford to invest? How much margin do you need to gain from your investment?

If you are serious about mining, learn anything and everything you can about crypto mining in general. Understanding the basics of blockchain technology is also important. There are some basic fundamental questions you’ll have to ask yourself before making additional decisions:

  • Is there any special equipment that you’ll need to obtain?
  • How accessible is this equipment?
  • Do you have money set aside for repairs that may be necessary? 

#2 Choose your cryptocurrency

crypto mining meme game of thrones choose wiselyThis is one of the most important crypto mining tips you’ll ever get: choose your crypto wisely. Some miners might insist on mining one particular coin, but circumstances change. The market may make it clear that there’s a more profitable cryptocurrency that is worth mining. 

It’s understandable to see how a crypto miner who just set up their mining software before a massive bull run can feel better about their operation than someone who starts during a bear cycle. You should also think about timing with respect to the token or digital currency you end up choosing.

When thinking about the right token, start by considering the demand. Is the token rising in value, and is there a community supporting the token? These variables are important. Some may have thought that Ravencoin wasn’t worth mining, because it’s not as well-known, but it turned out to be one of the most profitable coins to mine in 2021. 

#3 Set up your crypto mining rig

crypto mining hardwareIt can be incredibly convenient to buy and sell cryptocurrency from your smartphone, but mining a digital currency will take a bit more time and effort. And a hefty upfront investment.

You’ll also need to start with a crypto wallet of some kind in order to store the cryptocurrency that you end up generating. 

As a general rule, long-term miners may want to keep their funds safer in a cold storage wallet. For others, an online wallet can often do the trick, but is the less secure option. There is free mining software available, but you’ll also find other software options depending on the digital currency or crypto you are mining. 

A “rig” will consist of the wallet, mining software, and mining hardware. The hardware is where most of the cost will come into play, and miners may need as much as $15,000 to build a powerful computer with the latest hardware. The rig is about more than just a motherboard and GPU card; miners also need uninterrupted electricity and Internet. Without that, a crypto mining operation can end up failing very quickly.

#4 Investigate crypto mining pools

crypto mining tips cryptocurrency mining poolCrypto mining is getting more expensive, and more popular, so it might be worth it to consider a crypto mining pool. A mining pool is a group of miners who pool together their computing power to mine for different cryptocurrencies, and you can share in the profits. If you don’t have the capital to start mining crypto on your own, a mining pool might be a smart starting point.

You will, of course, receive less profit than if you were mining crypto on your own. Mining pools often have different ways of rewarding their members, so you should make sure to understand the mining pool before joining. Also, some mining pools charge additional member fees.

The future of crypto mining

Many experts are wondering about crypto mining, and whether it’s still worth it for individuals to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. While decentralization is a core principle of crypto enthusiasts, the truth is that a very tiny minority of Bitcoin miners control the entire industry.

There are now massive crypto mining companies worth billions of dollars. There are reports that through a public-private partnership, El Salvador is working to build a 1 billion dollar bitcoin mining farm. Many believe that the future of crypto mining is in renewable energy, while some think that we are in the “golden age” of crypto mining and will be for some time. Regardless, we hope these crypto mining tips help you make an informed decision about whether crypto mining makes sense for you.